Friday, February 8, 2013

A Glimpse of God's Artistry in Southern Utah

Just prior to capturing these images my sister, Debbie, who lives in the great white north (Canada, eh?) posted that they were expecting the storm of the century or... nada. I replied that it looked like it was just about to "poop Earl Grey tea" here. God put on an amazing show this morning in Southern Utah and I was fortunate enough to be here...  

There was an amazing cloud formation coming at me as the thunder started rumbling.

Then what looked like hail from a distance streaked across the sky creating lots of drama.  I love this type of drama!  The hail pellets were slush-balls about 1/2 inch in diameter.  Just as soon as it came in, it vanished.

For more photographs from Southern Utah click here.

To search unique view properties in Southern Utah click here.